Friday, July 15, 2011

Do Tough Times Ever Cease?

I hate to start posting negative stuff to my brand new blog but I'm not going to beat around the bush here. I have never felt worse or had a more negative outlook on my life than I do right now. My situation continues to worsen every day. Each day I keep telling myself it can only get better from here and then something happens or we get something in the mail that proves me wrong.

I love my wife and my kids very much, however, this situation has convinced me I am not worthy of being apart of their lives. I am blessed that they are still here, however, I don't know how much longer that will last.

I'm now wondering if there really is a god and, if so, where is he when he is needed most? We have serious emotional and tangible needs and things are fixing to get so much worse if they aren't addressed soon. I am now at a point beyond what I can bare and am on the verge of, well, who knows.


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