Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Pros & The Cons

I've caught the nasty cold that has been running through our household and, as a result, I can't breathe while in the prone position. So I'm up WAY TOO EARLY this morning and thought I'd make use of the time. As I've previously mentioned I've narrowed my choices for a defensive handgun down to three choices, the Glock 19, Springfield XD(m)-9 3.8 Compact and the Beretta Px-4 Compact. I've already stated my needs in a previous post so I won't revisit that here. I thought I'd lay out the pros and cons for each gun to help me work this out so let's get started!

Often referred to by Glock haters as "firearm tupperware", the Glock has built the most solid reputation for reliability of any other firearms manufacturer in the world. Being in the same size range as the other two competitors in my selection for a EDC weapon, the Glock 19 sits right in between the G17 and G26. The G17 is simply too large for concealed carry and the G26 doesn't have the bullet capacity I'm looking for in a home defense weapon. Honestly, it isn't the prettiest handgun ever designed but I can't ignore it's reputation.

Even with it's sexier appearance, Springfield's XD(m)-9 3.8 Compact is gaining the reputation of being the "new Glock" in reliability. I'm not sure it has yet gained that title as the G19 has had decades of use and abuse in front of it. It is a better looking firearm than the Glock but it's not been put through the rigorous testing and countless hours of use as the G19.

The Beretta Px-4 Compact is the most attractive of the three finalists. There is something about the look of this gun that really stirs me up. And even though it's been available longer than the XDm, it has not gained the attention of the gun-buying public. I can't find many reviews on the Compact version that go beyond initial impressions. However, Beretta isn't exactly a no-name in the firearms industry either. I guess 400+ years of gun building helps to get the word out about you! Their reputation alone keeps the Px-4 Compact in the running with me.

So there you have it. I'd honestly like to buy each of these guns next month but the finances just won't allow it. So I have a decision to make. Do I go with the proven reliability of the G19, the hot 'new kid on the block' XDm-9 or the uber-sexy Px-4? I'm still undecided but if I had to make the decision today, I'd have to fall back on Glock's reliability.

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