Friday, September 9, 2011

TADA! A Final Decision!

Sorry I've been away. Pressing personal matters have been occupied my time and thoughts. Nothing has changed; I just decided that blogging would be benificial to my intellect and sanity so here I am! Deciding on a carry weapon has plagued me for some time now. Lately I've been tossing the idea of a larger calibered, compact-sized weapon as a carry weapon for some time but that wasn't my original plan.

My initial decision to carry included a small pocket gun. Specifically, I wanted the S&W Bodyguard 380 but as my mind had time to contemplate which firearm would be best for me I turned away from that plan and fell into the "bigger is better", or even more "bigger is necessary", trap. At one point, I was foolishly convinced I could pull off concealed carrying a full size semi-autopistol but, as time went by, I realized it just wouldn't be practical for me to carry a full-sized Glock 17 or Springfield XDm-9. So then I decided on a sub-compact model, either the Glock 26 or Beretta Px-4 SC. I was then convinced that was as small of a gun that would, if necessary, allow me to effectively put a bad guy down.

But today I was listening to episode 138 of the "Handgun World Show" podcast and the host, Bob Mayne, said something that stuck. He was talking about gun/caliber size for concealed carry and commented that the idea that a 380-chambered weapon was laughable, if not dangerous and that you must carry a larger caliber gun was nothing more than 'Internet Rambo junk'. I won't attempt to quote him him here, but he wanted to disspell the notion that a .40+ is required to adequately defend yourself in a gunfight. I thank Mr. Mayne for waking me up and pulling out of that Rambo mentality. Although my primary carry weapon will be a semi-auto (I have fallen madly in love with the Glock 19), I no longer buy into the ridiculous idea that the .380 is unsuitable for personal defense. With today's defense ammunition, although I pray the day never comes that I have to pull my weapon to protect my life or the life of another, a .380 equipped with modern defense ammunition WILL stop an assailant dead in his tracks.

So which weapons have I chosen? For a pocket .380, that, again, is up for debate. Although I am looking at other weapons, I'm seriously looking at Sig's P238. For a compact carry/home defense weapon, I have decided on the Glock 19. I figure it will serve me well in that role and even the IDPA matches I so badly want to get involved with!

Of course, these decisions are subject to change without notice and likely will change by the time I make my purchase.

Sig P238

Glock 19Glock 19


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