Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Eliminating the 2nd Amendment???

RE: MSNBC's Alex Wagner: Get Rid Of Second Amendment

In a recent segment on their notoriously liberal network, MSNBC's own Alex Wagner made an outrageous statement regarding the 2nd Amendment. She said she would like to eliminate completely from the Constitution! Why? Because the other rights our Constitution provides nullifies the necessity for the 2nd Amendment!

Really Ms. Wagner? If I could pull you out of your utopian world for just a moment, here's something you may want to consider. If the government can do away with one amendment, they can do away with any of them! And what is to stop our government from eliminating any of the other freedoms/rights afforded to us by that precious document once the people have no way of stopping them? That is why the 2nd Amendment is the foundation of and arguably the most important amendment in the Bill of Rights! Without it, most of the others would likely have already been taken from us.

On a side note: Bill Engvall, you, sir, have disappointed me to a point that my view of you has forever been tainted. You stated in this segment you don't see a reason for anyone to own an AK-47. Really Bill? Reread the previous paragraph! That is why we are guaranteed the right to own them! It may be hard for people with no money problems to swallow, but the day the government starts deciding which types of guns should be "allowed" to be owned by us common folk is the beginning of the end for this country.


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