Sunday, November 20, 2011

Occupiers have Mush Heads!

Climbing up on my soapbox...

These IDIOT Occupy protesters need to be dealt with. Revolution? Really? So you want to throw away the US Constitution? Really? You want some sort of utopian socialist-type of government instead? Really? Maybe these idiots should spend less time doing nothing out there and more time studying history. They'd quickly learn the truth about where they ideas lead.

And another thing... 

Those UCD students were ILLEGALLY occupying public property. They were given enough time to clear out. They left LE two options: billy clubs or pepper spray to effect an end to the occupiers' ILLEGAL activities. The effects of the pepper spray wore off a few hours after the incident. I kinda doubt the pain for those clubs would be gone by now. They were treated mercifully.

Jumping off the soapbox...

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