Monday, October 31, 2011

Report Writers

I'm just going to say it but before I do let me say that I have the utmost respect for those who protect and serve us across this great nation. And although those men and women are among the bravest people we have and they deserve to be treated better than they are most of the time, too much is expected of them. Law enforcement simply can't be in all places all the time. Most of the time, especially when you need them most, police officers will arrive after the fact, in time only to write the report. Each and every one of us, whether we realize it or not, is responsible for our own personal defense.

Case in point. Kywanda Butcher of New Orleans asked a Civil District Court judge for a protective order against her ex-boyfriend, Keith Tate, in April. Her and her 13-year-old son are now dead! Read the whole story!

I feel for the victims. I wish Kywanda had not only understood the seriousness of Mr. Tate's threat but that the paper the restraining order was printed on wasn't worth it weight in salt if he ignores it. And he did. If she had armed herself and been prepared, this situation very well might have turned out much different. I'm not blaming Kywanda. It's not her fault the ex-boyfriend killed her and her son. He is solely responsible for their deaths. Unfortunately this is not an isolated case. It happens all too often. And what is commonly heard afterwards is how slow the police responded. I have news for all those who might rattle off such nonsense: The police aren't responsible for your personal protection … YOU ARE!!!

We all make decisions with regards to our safety and self defense is a personal choice. Some of us simply rely on police and courts to keep us safe. As demonstrated in the above article, this probably isn't the best choice. Some of us have a gun in the home. That's great when you're at home. But what about when you're not? There are some choices. Some people decide a firearm is too frightening to them and choose to carry pepper spray. Not a bad choice. Used properly, pepper spray should give a would-be-victim enough time to run to safety and summons the authorities. Some people acquire concealed carry weapon permits and carry a handgun. In my opinion this is the best option, however, it does come with it serious responsibility. Every minute that you have possession of a firearm you are responsible for anything it does. If a bullet is fired from the gun you are in possession of you are responsible for it until it stops. That is where training and practice come in. When someone is under attack, we naturally revert to our instincts. You cannot expect to be able to make the right decisions with your gun under the stresses of a defensive situation without making those choices instinctive. So be sure to get the training you need to protect your self. As was the case of Kywanda Butcher, it literally may be a matter of life and death.